Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Project Overengineered!

Many moons ago, our need for a new gaming area happened. You can read about that way back at the beginning of my blog if you're that bored!

To save you that, I'll explain. I created for myself a couple of 3'x4' gaming tables on legs. This enabled our little gaming group, which consisted of 3 of us at the time, to have a 6'x4' table to game on.

Things have moved on however! There are now 5 of us gaming regularly, and this month my other half and myself move into a new house. With all the excitement that comes with that, it now means I'll have my own dedicated gaming room!

As a result, and the gaming room being a decent size enabling me to have a bigger gaming table I today created this:

It's the smaller bit on the right! This is a 2'x4' section which, with some nuts and bolts, and hoping I've drilled all the holes in the right places, will form a bridge between the original 2 boards creating an 8'x4' table.

This will give our group the ability to play 2 different games in a night on 4'x4' halves, or 1 big gaming using the whole length! Our annual Xmas gaming day will hopefully be the first use of this, with a 2000 points a side Bolt Action game taking place.

This is all based on my diy skills and it not falling apart but I think I've overdone the construction a bit anyway!